"“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15)
At First Mount Zion, we are committed to the diligent study and presentation of God’s Word
Throughout the Bible, God challenges and commands us to be diligent in our studies of His Word. The Greek word for study as used in the verse above means to “exert oneself, to endeavor, or give diligence to,” which suggests that the path to fruitful bible study requires commitment and discipline on our part. We encourage you to develop your own personal Bible study time as a part of your daily devotion and meditation. We offer several opportunities and settings for the study of God’s Word by way of various ministry meetings and activities, Sunday School, Small Group meetings, weekly Bible Study and as a cohort with Princeton Theological Seminary. We hope you will be encouraged in knowing that, though people are at different levels in their spiritual growth we are all striving to show ourselves approved unto God. "
First Mount Zion Baptist Church
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